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About Us

The Foundation was established at the request of the membership.  Members wanted a 501(c)3 corporation that could accept tax-deductible contributions and respond quickly in times of need.


The Foundation formalizes the charitable efforts of the Association, but it is not CTR.  The Connecticut REALTORS® Care Foundation was established in February 2009 as a separate entity independent of CTR with a separate Board of Trustees.

The Raymond F. Gates, Jr. Scholarship Fund is part of the Foundation. The fund and all donations to the fund are used exclusively to award scholarships to the children of Connecticut REALTOR® members.

More than ONE MILLION DOLLARS in scholarships have been awarded since 1976

In recent years, the Foundation has expanded its natural disaster and scholarship efforts to include programs aimed at addressing hunger, homelessness, animal and child welfare throughout Connecticut.  From diaper and mattress drives to an award-winning opioid awareness campaign and an annual campaign aimed at ending family homelessness in Connecticut - with the continued generosity of our members/donors, we hope to live up to our mission “To be good neighbors to our members, our communities and the world.  REALTORS® Care.”

Background image of diverse hands come together to. make the shape of a heart

Meet the Foundation Trustees

Joanne Breen, Trustee

Joanne Breen


Doug Blackwood

Carl Lantz

Carl Lantz

Tammy Felenstein

Tammy Felenstein

Carol Christiansen

Carol Christiansen


David Gallitto

MaryBeth Grasso

Mary Beth Grasso

David Sartirana

David Sartirana

Linda St. Peter, Trustee

Linda St. Peter

Cindy Butts, Ex-Officio

Cindy Butts

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